
Chilappol Penkutty

Director : Prasad Nooranad

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Starring - Aavani Prasad, Kavya Ganesh

Director(s) - Prasad Nooranad

Producer(s) - Suneesh Chunakkara

Genre(s) - Drama

Release Date - July 19, 2019


Chilappol Penkutty is a Malayalam drama, which has been directed by Prasad Nooranad. The movie stars Aavani Prasad & Kavya Ganesh in the lead roles.

Poduction Controller - Name

Music - Ajay Sarigama

Screenplay - M. Kamarudheen

Camera - Sreejith g Nair

Costume - Satheesh Nemum

Makeup - Madhu Kalady

Editors review about : Chilappol Penkutty

Updated by anoop g

Chilappol Penkutty is a Malayalam drama, which has been directed by Prasad Nooranad. The movie stars Aavani Prasad & Kavya Ganesh in the lead roles.

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