Sumesh & Ramesh

Director : Sanoop Thykoodam

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Starring - Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese

Director(s) - Sanoop Thykoodam

Producer(s) - Fareed Khan

Genre(s) - Comedy

Release Date - March 27, 2020


A movie directed by Sanoop Thykoodam Sumesh & Ramesh Teaser has release. The movie will be a fully entertainer with Actors Sreenath Bhasi and Balu Varghese will be playing the title roles. Sanoop has co written the script with Joseph Vijesh. Music for this movie is made by Neha Nair and yakzan Gary Pereira. The movie is produced by Fareed Khan

Director - Sanoop Thykoodam

Music - Neha Nair, Yakzan Gary Pereira 

Writer - Joseph Vijesh

Producer - Fareed Khan


Editors review about : Sumesh & Ramesh

Updated by anoop g

A movie directed by Sanoop Thykoodam Sumesh & Ramesh Teaser has release.

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